Nowhere Land
Government Center

Change TownsChange Email

Change Towns
Weather not nice? Don't like the neighbors? Want a change in venue? Move to a new town! Please fill out the entire form and you will be contacted if your migration papers have been approved.
NOTE: Migration costs 75KK!

Migration Application
Email (the one you signed up with)

What's your NWL name?

Current Town of Residence?
Lennon Land
McCartney Town
Starr City

Migrate to which town?
Lennon Land
McCartney Town
Starr City

Reason for migration. (Be as specific as possible as to reason you which to move!)

Change Email
Gotten a new email since you joined NWL? Let us know about the update!
OLD Email (the one you signed up with)

NEW Email

What's your NWL name?

Current Town of Residence?
Lennon Land
McCartney Town
Starr City